The First Time to Show You the Performance of Lingke Servo Ultrasonic Welding Machine

With the continuous development of the level of science and technology, China has achieved many firsts. Following the official operation of the domestically-made aircraft C919 at the end of May, another major event occurred in the shipbuilding field in early June-China’s first large-scale domestically-made cruise ship was officially undocked and will go to sea for trial voyage next month.

China’s high-end intelligent manufacturing, represented by domestically produced large cruise ships and domestically produced large aircraft, has also promoted the development of related industrial chains while striving to demonstrate its manufacturing capabilities, technical strength, service level and channel advantages in the international market.

As one of the three key technologies of the high-end intelligent manufacturing industry, welding technology and welding equipment are also continuously upgraded and updated following the development of the industry, and a group of private ultrasonic welding equipment manufacturers are emerging.
Recently, Zhuhai Automation Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as Lingke Ultrasonic) has continuously broken through the bottleneck of ultrasonic technology through continuous research and development accumulation, and released a new series of servo ultrasonic welding machines independently developed and designed, breaking the monopoly position of foreign countries in this technology.

According to Lingke staff, these newly launched servo ultrasonic series models all adopt the intelligent servo ultrasonic control system independently developed by Lingke, and cooperate with high-precision servo motor drive for full closed-loop control, which can improve the repeatability and accuracy of the welding process. High reliability, up to 0.005mm welding accuracy, people are very worth looking forward to.

“This model has a new Xn mode, which is very suitable for the welding of different products on our assembly line. Just set the data, monitor the whole process, and can also judge and process the quality of welding products. It is really easy to use!” A Ling Branch customers tell us.

China is vigorously developing high-end manufacturing. Whether it is a national heavy weapon or a key technological breakthrough in a slightly niche field, it is something to be proud of. “We will continue to insist on innovative research and development in the future to promote the development of ultrasonic welding technology in China.” said the relevant person in charge of Lingke Ultrasonic.




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