Lingke Servo Ultrasonic Welding Machine Realizes Precise Welding of Medical Devices

With the development of medical science and technology, the medical device industry, as an important strategic emerging industry, has formed a large-scale, technological and branded industrial system, and has become one of the most promising industries in the health industry.

Technology boosts forward, innovation leads to change. In the medical device industry, ultrasonic welding, as a product under the rapid development of science and technology, is a kind of efficient, reliable, safe and hygienic connection technology, which is widely used in the scenarios of medical packaging sealing, filtering vessels, medical masks, infusion set assembly, and manufacturing of surgical instruments, etc. It plays an important role in the medical industry.

4200W plastic welder machine

A medical device manufacturer mentioned, “With the release of the dividends of relevant national industrial policies, the pace of domestic substitution of medical devices in China has been accelerated, and local medical device enterprises are gradually accepted and recognized by the global market. For us, it is an opportunity and a challenge. The application of servo ultrasonic welding machine meets our requirements of solid, accurate and pollution-free welding of medical devices, and helps us to develop high-end and intelligent medical devices.”

“The Lingke servo ultrasonic welding machine is practical, flexible and safe, and does not require any additional adhesives or auxiliaries compared to conventional welding methods, thus reducing the complexity and cost of welding, while at the same time guaranteeing high-quality welds of up to 5 μm precision for our products. ” A medical device manufacturer added.

Welding plastic products

Lingke servo ultrasonic welding machine can become a medical device companies rely on welding equipment, its machine performance is inseparable.
Even in the face of differentiated market demand, its servo ultrasonic welding machine by virtue of the welding mode of diversified characteristics, to meet the welding needs of different applications, to ensure high-quality welding effect under the premise of taking into account the production efficiency, to help enterprises in the highly competitive market environment to stand out.



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