The Industry's First Lingke Ultrasonic Plastic Welding Machine Empowers the Development of Various Industries

Ultrasonic welding technology is an emerging welding process that uses high-frequency vibration waves to transmit to the surface of the welded obje...

Lingke Ultrasonics Servo Ultrasonic Welding Equipment Industry Applications--Medical Equipment

Residents’ income and consumption level have increased significantly, making health consumption a new consumption growth point in China. The ...

How Does the Generator of An Ultrasonic Welding Machine Require Routine Maintenance?

Did you know? Daily maintenance of production equipment, not only can reduce the frequency of failure, to avoid affecting the efficiency of work an...

Automotive Lighting Revolution-Lingke Ultrasonic Wave to Overturn the Traditional Welding Mode!

Throughout the entire automotive development history of more than 100 years, automotive lighting products as the relationship between vehicle recog...

Focus on CHINAPLAS 2024, Lingke Ultrasonic Strength Appearance!

April 23, 2024, the annual event of the plastics and rubber industry, the 36th China International Plastics and Rubber Industry Exhibition (CHINAPL...

Forging New Quality Productivity, The Industry's First Lingke Ultrasonic in Action

This spring, “new productivity” became a hot word and attracted great attention. The industry believes that leading the development of ...

From May 6th to 10th, Lingke Ultrasonic will be with you at the NPE American International Rubber and Plastics Exhibition.

With the vigorous development of the global plastics industry, communication and cooperation have become an important way to promote enterprise dev...

Application of Servo Ultrasonic Welding Machine in Medical Industry

As people’s quality of life gradually improves, people pay more and more attention to their own bodies, and the technical level of the medica...

What are the factors affecting the service life of ultrasonic welding horn?

The welding horn is a tool that effectively transmits vibration to the plastic welding part. Simply put, the welding horn has the function of trans...

Lingke Servo Ultrasonic Welding Machine Helps The Auto Parts Industry Upgrade And Iterate

In the automobile industry, welding is a key part in the manufacturing of automobile parts and bodywork, affecting the safety, comfort and aestheti...

Application of Lingke Ultrasonic in Welding of Sensors or Electrical Components

The requirements for components in the electronics industry are increasingly complex and extensive: general quality criteria include tightness, pre...

How to Repair the HERRMANN Ultrasonic Welding Machine If It Breaks Down?

Ultrasonic plastic welding machine, as a piece of equipment widely used in various industries, has become an indispensable part of the production l...

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